Field Sampling and Monitoring Committee

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE Field Sampling & Monitoring Committee

The committee was originally formed in April 2016 to create consistency in sampling and monitoring strategies, and vocabulary. At this time the committee completed work under the larger Building Consensus in the West effort. The WRP adopted Dreissenid Mussels Sampling and Monitoring Protocol (2020) and Laboratory Standards for Dreissenid Veliger Analysis (2020). At that time, the subcommittee was disbanded. In 2023, the WRP membership agreed to regroup the committee in order to address new information and techniques associated with monitoring. 

The chair of the Committee is Kate Dukette with Arizona Game and Fish Department.

Goals of the Committee

  1.  To reach consensus and update field sampling methods for Dreissenid mussels (minimum agreed upon standard). 
  2. Develop standards for other AIS sampling methods for additional species.