Mid-Year Webinar

Each Spring the WRP holds a mid-year meeting to connect with members and share progress between annual meetings.

The 2023 Mid-Year Meeting will be held April 18th from 1-3pm mountain time using the GoToMeeting virtual platform.

with the webinar join link  Download a copy of the agenda here.

Preregistration is not required. Join the meeting here: https://meet.goto.com/515435885

1:00 pm


WRP Chair – Dennis Zabaglo, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

Vice Chair – Tom Woolf, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

1:10 pm

Annual Meeting 2023

Bruce Johnson, Utah Division of Wildlife and Leah Elwell, ISAN

1:20 pm

Committee and Workgroup Reports

§  Coastal

§  Outreach and Education

§  Membership and Communication

§  WID Think Tank


Committee and Workgroup Chairs:

·         Chris Scianni, CA State Lands Commission and Christine Moffit, professor emeritus

·         Monica McGarrity, Texas Parks and Wildlife

·         John Wullschleger, National Park Service

·         Robert Walters, Colorado Parks and Wildlife


1:50 pm

Current AIS Legislative Report


Stephen Phillips, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

2:00 pm

QZAP 2.0 Action Plan Progress


Dennis Zabaglo, TRPA and Barak Shemai, US Fish and Wildlife Service


2:15 pm

Brief Presentations

·         ANSTF National Management Plan Revision Status

o   European Green Crab

o   New Zealand Mud Snail

·         Traffic Analysis for WID Effectiveness

·         USGS READI-Net eDNA Samplers

Theresa Thom, USFWS and Ted Grosholz, UC Davis;  Thomas Jensen, California Dept. Fish and Wildlife


Randy Martinez, All Traffic Data Services


Adam Sepulveda, US Geological Survey

2:50 pm

ANS Task Force Recommendations

Discussion and Feedback

2:55 pm

Public Comment


