Education and Outreach Committee

A Brief History of the Education and Outreach Committee

The Education and Outreach Committee was created with an outward education and information focus and is one of the WRP’s five standing committees and two ad-hoc workgroups. This committee has been active intermittently since the Panel’s inception. Most recently, the inreach and outreach subcommittees formed under the Building Consensus workgroup were merged in 2018 to create the standing WRP Education and Outreach Committee.

The Education and Outreach Committee is chaired by Monica McGarrity of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Goals of the Education and Outreach Committee

  • Identify WRP ANS outreach and education needs
  • Provide WRP resources on existing and new outreach products from western states
  • Serve as a resource and provide feedback for WRP members and others on outreach and education efforts, including recommendations and best practices for virtual outreach
  • Work toward implementation of the education and outreach strategies identified in the Updated Recommendations for the Quagga Zebra Mussel Action Plan for Western U.S. Waters (QZAP 2.0)
  • Conduct, support, and coordinate social science research to enhance ANS outreach efforts
  • Create and share recommendations on outreach for new ANS species of concern (i.e., newly introduced or identified through horizon scanning)
  • Develop and promote recommendations and key strategies for ANS outreach
  • Coordinate information, education, and outreach with the ANS Task Force and their Communication, Education and Outreach Subcommittee to meet and promote western priorities

Education and Outreach Resources